Cercle Modéliste Rullicois

Updated 27/03/2023
The stadium, near to Rouillé (86), is open every day.

Competitions 2009

5 April: VCC acro et vitesse toutes catégories + F2F RESULTS


7 June: VCC acro et vitesse toutes catégories + F2F RESULTS

14 June: F3K RESULTS

22 and 23 August: Championnat de France 2009 VCC RESULTS

19 and 20 September: 9e Tournoi International Mélusin F2A-B-C + VN + F2F. RESULTS

The acrobatics jury will be made up of at least 3 international judges of different nationalities; their names will be notified to you in due course. The same attention will be given to the choice of the jury for F2C.


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